Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor Job - Importance of the Subject

Organic Chemistry Tutor Job - Importance of the SubjectIn organic chemistry tutor jobs, the candidates are required to know various aspects of organic chemistry. They are required to know the theory as well as to understand the application of the theories. Thus, there is no need to get worried in this line because this is what the organic chemistry tutor job is all about.The job of a chemist tutor starts from understanding the subject thoroughly. It involves understanding the theory and the way to apply these theories to practice. This includes knowledge about some basic concepts and also the way they are applied in the world of science. Once you have a thorough knowledge of the subjects, you can take help from professional herbalist who will provide you with a clear picture of these subjects and the value of this information.There are many jobs which offer job seekers who have no knowledge about the subjects but those who have advanced knowledge. To get a better education you can ch oose the job offered by this profession. Usually the job seekers are hired based on their expertise and knowledge in different topics.These people who take regular basis can seek the help of a consultant or some expert who can guide them in the understanding of the subject. However, you should be very careful while hiring someone for this job because sometimes these people are not real experts and some might claim themselves as such. Hence, you must take a decision in the right way while hiring an expert and ensure that the person does not charge you for his service.One of the most popular career options which has emerged in the chemical industry is the job of a chemistry tutor. This job is open to anyone who has a good degree and is aware of the knowledge about the subject. These days, hiring the services of a chemistry tutor has become a vogue career option and so you can easily find some work for this purpose.This job is very popular among students because it helps them to progre ss quickly in their course. The best part of this job is that the students do not have to shell out much money in fees as the classes can be done online. Moreover, the student's tuition fee can be paid online as well. This means that the student gets benefits from the distance learning which means a smaller sum of money is spent for studying.The organic chemistry tutor job is becoming more popular today due to the importance of the subject. In this profession, the graduate students can enjoy many benefits because they can earn more money and have an easier job in this field.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Critical Reasoning Question 9-After WWII - Private Tutoring

Critical Reasoning Question 9-After WWII BobbiM Feb 12, 2014 The education offered by junior colleges just after World War II had a tremendous practical effect on family-run businesses throughout the country.  After learning new methods of marketing, finance, and accounting, the sons and daughters of merchants returned home, often to increase significantly the size of the familys enterprise or to maximize profits in other ways. Which of the following statements is best supported bu the information above? A.  The junior colleges principally emphasized methods of increasing the size of small businesses. B.  The business methods taught in the junior colleges were already widespread before World War II. C.  The business curricula at junior colleges did not include theoretical principles of management. D.  Without the influence of junior colleges, many family-run businesses would have been abandoned as unprofitable. E.  Business methods in many postwar family-run businesses changed significantly as a result of the junior colleges. Think you know the answer? The correct answer is E. This question asks, Which of the following is best supported by the information above?  In other words, what can be inferred from the stated material?  The author in this question discusses the impact of junior colleges on family-run businesses.  Evidence.  These colleges introduced people to new methods that were often successfully applied to family-run businesses.  Conclusion:  These colleges had a tremendous effect on family-run businesses. A good inference will not go beyond this scope or read too much into particular detail.  We go through the choices on Inference questions, because its hard to predict what the correct answer will be. In (A) the disqualifying word is principally.  The information presented does not specify what the junior colleges emphasized.  This choice reads too much into the fact that often family businesses increased in size because of the newly acquired knowledge.  (B) is wrong because we really cant infer how popular or widespread these methods were before the war.  For all we know these could have been revolutionary techniques or well-kept secrets. In (C), we know junior colleges taught new methods of marketing and finance and stuff like that; we do not know how much management theory was or was not presented.  This choice relies on data we arent given, a sure sign of an incorrect or unwarranted inference.  In (D), all we are really told is that many family-run businesses became more profitable.  It is possible that many family-run businesses could have been abandoned as unprofitable had it not been for the junior colleges, but nothing suggests that there necessarily would have been a significant number of business failures without colleges. (E) is certainly true.  Business methods did change because of the education.  Notice how non biased this statement is,coming directly from the information given.  Often, people find the correct choice to be too obvious in Critical Reasoning questions; often its just that straightforward.

What It Takes to Get into the Ivy League

What It Takes to Get into the Ivy League If your teen is a high achiever, the Ivy League might be on her radar. Officially the name of an American intercollegiate athletic conference, the Ivy League consists of eight private colleges and universities: Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University and Yale University. These schools are known as some of the best and most prestigious in the world and consistently top rankings by U.S. News World Report and other notable ranking institutions. For students who value academic excellence and reputation, they are the gold standard. What it takes to get in to the Ivy League So, what does it take to gain acceptance into one of these colleges? High grades, class rank and outstanding standardized test (SAT and ACT) scores top the list of requirements. A rigorous high school curriculum and an impressive resume of extracurricular activities are also essential. But beyond those things, there are the intangible elements that make certain students stand apart from others. Tips to strengthen those chances of acceptance Many brilliant students apply to Ivy League schools each year, and just a small percentage are accepted. Teens must demonstrate to their schools of choice that they have the potential to do incredible things. If your teen wants her application to shine, here are some tips that come from the Ivy League institutions themselves: Show your potential. Teens must show that they have reached not only their academic potential, but their personal potential. They must put their initiative, motivation and steadfast dedication to achieve certain goals on display right in their application package. Take full advantage of school offerings and look beyond school walls for more. Teens who challenge themselves as much as possible at their high schools and take it upon themselves to look for additional learning opportunities (e.g. through independent study or local colleges) prove that they are highly motivated. Show your leadership. Genuine commitment to ones activities is important to the schools in the Ivy League. Teens who are dedicated to and care deeply about certain pursuits and have taken on the additional responsibility to assume leadership roles in them will stand out. Demonstrate character. Ivy League schools extend admission to students they believe will make a notable impact and difference on campus and in the world after they graduate. Teens should try to show who they are and what they stand for in their applications. They should share how they will contribute in the classroom and take advantage of the unique experience offered at their school of choice. Get the best recommendations. Theres no question that Ivy League schools appreciate the recommendations of teachers, counselors and other mentors when considering candidates overall potential. For this reason, teens need to take the decision on who to ask for such letters very seriously. Those individuals are tasked with helping admissions officers understand teens promise, intellect and strengths. Admission into the Ivy League is highly competitive. If your teen has her sights set on attending one of these elite schools, it will take a great deal of hard work and dedicationas well as that something extra that makes your teens application exceptional. Encourage your teen to put in the effort in high schoolfrom day one. Huntington can help in several ways: Supplemental tutoring to help your teen get ahead in every subject and build on those academic strengths. SAT and ACT prep to help your teen score higher on these important exams. Study skills development to develop your teens essential organization, time management, executive functioning and test-taking skills, which will make your teen a stronger student overall. Call Huntington to learn more about how we can support your teens Ivy League dreams. Our tutoring and test prep programs will set your teen up for success!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

New York Academy

New York Academy New York Academy New York Academy is a progressive American school intent on instilling in our students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life. We strive to create leaders who are prepared for the global challenges of the 21st century; lauded for their skills, character and integrity; and driven to make a worthy impact on the world. We not only recognize the importance of academic excellence but also the value of developing essential life skills in childhood that can be carried into adulthood. Our core values below guide behavior and interactions for all the members of our school community. Respect Values all members of the school community Displays acceptance of others with different points of view and beliefs Shows respect for the school buildings, furnishings and surrounding environment Creativity Develops original ideas that have value Fosters imagination, bringing to mind things that arent present to our senses Innovates by putting new ideas into practice Open-mindedness Shows receptivity to new ideas Considers the merits of alternative points of view Appreciates diverse peoples and cultures Confidence Has a positive self-image and self esteem Takes risks to explore new ideas and try new skills Expresses thoughts and ideas Self Discipline Demonstrates positive, healthy social behavior Seeks to achieve his/her personal best Establishes goals and demonstrates perseverance to achieve the goals

Another A-Level Maths paper leaked just before exam - Tutor Hunt Blog

Another A-Level Maths paper leaked just before exam Another A-Level Maths paper leaked just before exam Another A-Level Maths paper leaked just before examSecondary SchoolsMany students may have enjoyed an unfair advantage in their A-levels last month, as it was revealed a Maths paper was leaked online some time before the exam. A serious investigation has been launched after it was revealed that a pdf copy of the full exam had been circulating the internet, and offered up for sale on certain websites. The exam board responsible for the paper was Edexcel, a company owned by Pearson, who put out the statement that they didn`t believe the paper had been viewed by many students, and that the images were only `circulated in a very limited way` prior to the exam. `Having visited a small group of centres within scope of the investigation, we have identified one centre in serious breach of correct practice,` Pearson said in a tweet. `All students should be reassured we have well-established processes in place to ensure no one will be advantaged or disadvantaged, and this paper will not have to be re sat.` There are reports that only a small portion of the paper actually appeared online, with many claiming that only two question were readily made available, apparently in a twitter post (now obviously deleted) which offered the whole paper for a fee of £70. I have to admit, if I had been able to obtain a copy of an exam paper which I believed to be crucial to my future, I would almost certainly have paid the asking price, and considered it to have been money well spent! This is actually not the first time that Pearson has found one of its exams leaked to the internet: only last year another A-Level maths paper was offered for sale online. The exams watchdog Ofqual was forced to intervene when the paper was offered up for £200 on student forums, with the nefarious vendor offering the first question up for no charge in order to prove the genuine article was available. Back in 2017 Pearson was once again forced to admit its security had been breached, having to amend two questions in its further pure maths and statistics exams, after it was alerted to the fact that students had somehow gained access to them. The company admitted to a `limited breach of security,` but judging by the repeat of cases since then, it would seem the breach has not been plugged. Cases such as these, theft of copyright company material, are certainly a criminal offence, and have been reported to the Crown Prosecution service; but to date it seems no individuals have been brought to prosecution. It is possible Pearson`s database was hacked into from the outside, but it seems to me more likely an employee working at the company `acquired` the exams, with the intention of selling them online. With thousands of students across the country worried about their performance, it is all too easy to imagine many of them would be willing to purchase the illicit copies of the paper. Unlike dealing with stolen `physical` goods, the digital exam file could be sent with perfect ease to anyone who had paid the fee, simply by sending it as an email attachment. Pearson have said they have plans in place to prevent further instances of data theft - in April they announced they will pilot a scheme where exam papers will be microchipped, allowing the time, date and location of each bundle to be tracked. Since criminals will be dealing with digital copies of the exams though, I fail to see how securing the paper versions will prevent them being leaked online. Many students are understandably dismayed about the recent leak, fearing that their grades will suffer, as boundary marks may be affected by more students achieving higher marks than expected. Hundreds of students have already signed a petition calling for the exam board to make allowances for the leak when the grade boundaries are set, but Pearson have yet to respond to their pleas. 8 months ago0Add a Comment

Heritage Xperiential Learning School

Heritage Xperiential Learning School Heritage Xperiential Learning School Heritage Xperiential Learning School, with its commitment to an innovative project-based pedagogy and integrated curriculum, has established a formidable reputation for itself as a progressive, innovative school in just over a decade that it has been in operation. Heritage Xperiential Learning School has regularly found representation in the top 10 schools of the country as much for its academic reputation and infrastructure, as for its focus on students with special needs or those from economically weaker sections. Other areas where the school has been cited for excellence include co-curricular activity, leadership and management, sports education, life skills education and conflict resolution and parent involvement. The school has always invested heavily in its teachers professional learning and development and, today, many of its teachers are trainers and facilitators who are making other schools aware of its experiential learning methodology. Its fully air-conditioned campus is spread across a sprawling 18.75 acres and is equipped with one of the best infrastructures among schools in the NCR. Its leadership team consists of three alumni from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and one alumnus from the Harvard Business School. Heritage Xperiential Learning School Heritage Xperiential Learning School Heritage Xperiential Learning School (HXLS) Gurgaon (Formerly, The Heritage School, Gurgaon) is focused on deeper, authentic and inter-disciplinary learning. Founded in 2003 as a not-for-profit private co-educational school, HXLS today is a community of over 3100 students and an enviable student to staff ratio of 9:1. Although HXLS is just 14 years young, it has consistently been ranked among the top 5 day schools in India. Known for its progressive pedagogy and community bound curriculum, HXLS is also one of the few inclusive schools in India with a well- integrated special needs program. Although we offer 3 curricula (National Board, IGCSE and IBDP), we attempt to be curriculum agnostic through our own organically developed curriculum that stretches the boundaries of prescribed national and international curricula. Housed in a beautiful 13- acre campus, HXLS today is one of the most reputed learning communities for educators OUR INSPIRATION The last fourteen years have been a learning journey for the school. We are deeply inspired and committed to the philosophies of Kurt Han, Rudolf Steiner, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and J Krishnamurthy. Our curriculum has been designed and curated organically over the years and reflects some of these core learning principles - for our Students, Parents and Teachers. Many of our academic protocols and processes have been inspired by cutting edge research in the field of education. Some of them include Making learning visible (Hattie), Understanding by Design (Higgens and Mctighe), Curriculum mapping (Jacobs), Continuous School Improvement, Data teams and Response to Intervention (Bernhardt), Danielson Framework, Marzano protocols, integrated projects/learning expeditions (Levy and Berger from Expeditionary Learning Schools, USA), student internships (Littky from Big Picture Schools), makers space (Trishman from Harvard Project Zero) etc. OUR LEARNING PRINCIPLES: Ø Children Learn by Doing Ø Connected to the real world through community bound projects Ø Content is an excuse to build Craftsmanship, Culture and Character (inspired by the principles of expeditionary learning schools, USA) Ø Productive and Creative work as a medium of teaching and learning Ø Children as active partners in learning Ø Real freedom, empowerment and citizenship through classroom pedagogy and corridor culture Ø Children learn from each other. Power of Crew Work Ø Integrated and whole-child development Ø Parents/Community as partners View our Brochure

After School Tutoring for Irving Schools

After School Tutoring for Irving SchoolsIrving schools have the experience to provide after school tutoring for many kids. The importance of this is not only in the students' academic advancement but also in their emotional growth and development. During the course of time, if a child's attitude is improved and his confidence grows, the results would be a happy and healthy environment for him and for his parents as well.This educates children from school in their early years and also provides them with an edge to take up the challenging tasks in life. This way the adults are prepared to face the workplace. The pupils also gain an opportunity to help themselves. Another important advantage of this is that, it can help the parent in getting rid of the stressful aspects of the study.Before deciding to hire a tutoring service for the students, the parents must first ensure that they will get outstanding educational assistance. The students must be provided with all the important academic components like aptitude tests, academic writing assignments, revision sessions and review papers. This will not only help them in getting the credits but also earn good marks at school. They will be able to move on to higher level courses as well as graduate college.Apart from this, the parents must be provided with tips on how to deal with the obstacles that will come their way. The parents must be guided on ways to deal with the problems that may crop up during the course of the education. A parent must know how to deal with the other adults involved in the education and the school administrations.One can hire tutors who have the knowledge about the school curriculum, discipline and educational standards. These are the skills that the school teachers and the administrators must have. However, these skills are not essential for those who are inexperienced in dealing with students.For the students who do not have the resources, the school can also help them in making a budget. The se funds will help them in purchasing the required books and educational equipment. They will also have to pay for their uniforms and travel expenses. They can apply for some funding too if there is none of this.The most important criterion for finding a good tutor is the individual's ability to earn money. It should be considered that only those tutors who do not earn money can provide good quality services to the students. It should also be considered that a great number of professional tutors are out there and it is only the luck of the draw who will get noticed by them.

The Efficacy of Using Technology in Tutoring Sessions

The Efficacy of Using Technology in Tutoring SessionsIf you're trying to teach a kid how to play video games, the first thing you need to be doing is playing the games yourself. While it might seem fun, most gamers just won't be comfortable with you having a remote. I'm sure you know what happens when your spouse is watching your every move and smiling at him or her. If you can, try and avoid being on the video camera, even if only for one day.When you first begin teaching the kids how to play video games, you might feel like you have lost all authority. However, this really is a chance to establish your dominance over them and show them that you are the teacher, not the student. They will begin to feel more confident about challenging their teachers and themselves. Once you become a respected tutor, they will want to challenge you and see how well you handle yourself. That will start a chain reaction and they will continue to emulate you.You will also need to use technology in tutor ing sessions. Technology has changed the world since it was invented. It has made life much easier and it has helped everyone around the world communicate. Most schools use the internet as part of their technology for students. Some websites are free while others require membership. Try and find out what those schools to use and get used to seeing a lot of their information.The internet also offers a lot of learning opportunities for those who are already experts in their field. If you want to help them learn to play video games, the best way to do it is to watch them play. Watch them play over the internet. At times, you might even want to record your own play sessions. This is great practice for you to see how the kid will react to playing video games in real life.Once you've spent some time watching your child play video games, you can now start to use tutoring sessions in your sessions. Don't play games with your child yet. Instead, turn on the game you want to teach them, take out your laptop and put it on a table and start playing the game with them. After a while, you can show them how to play the game without your assistance.You should also make sure that you record the video game sessions. When you have a child who plays video games at home, you need to be able to see how they interact with their parents and siblings. You can do this by turning the computer off and watching the game. You can even make copies of the videos and put them up on the internet for all the family to see. This will let everyone in the family to see how they play.For parents, when they first start tutoring their children about video games, it can be a little bit of a struggle because they might feel like you are forcing them to learn. However, the more they see their child using video games, the more confident they will become. Eventually, they will get the hang of it and start to enjoy it.

What Is Biology? - Do I Have to Know This Before Writing an AP Biology Essay?

What Is Biology? - Do I Have to Know This Before Writing an AP Biology Essay?After studying AP Biology and Chemistry, students must understand the concepts of Biology. This includes the definition of a cell, the chemical structure of cells, and how cells interact with each other to form living organisms. Students should also be able to work with their teachers in the classroom on a daily basis in order to better understand the course material.There are many different definitions of Biology, some of which will be used throughout the course of the course. When writing an AP Biology essay, it is important to remember the scientific terminology that will be used. By using scientific terms, students will be able to understand what is being said more easily. Also, by utilizing scientific terms, the topic will be much easier to remember.Biology deals with the study of the structure and function of living organisms. A good example of this is that the study of living things can be used to cur e diseases and help people in ways we cannot even imagine. Animals have been designed for many different purposes, and have been able to overcome many obstacles in order to stay alive. The way they survive is due to their ability to adapt and to survive.Biology can be done in many different ways. Students may have to think about it as many different ways, and come up with several different answers for every question they can think of. Students should always take the time to determine the answers for all the questions that they can think of. It is important to give the best possible answer for each question, so that they will feel satisfied with their homework.It is always important to do some research before writing an AP Biology essay. This can include the most common questions that students might ask or need to know. Students should always know where to look for help when writing an AP Biology essay. It is also important to do some practice work before actually writing the essay. biology When students write their AP Biology essay, they must make sure that they explain why it was important for them to take the course. They should also make sure that they explain how the course helped them. After taking the course, they should also know what they learned during the course. By reviewing the material over again, students will become familiar with the subject matter and their own abilities. Most importantly, students should know how they can use the material to help them in their everyday lives.This can be done by reviewing the right journal articles and by writing short stories. They should also look for journals that are related to their topic of choice. By learning the right method for writing an AP Biology essay, students will be able to write an essay that is both logical and interesting.